I'm currently sitting in my kitchen in Nashville when my daughter FaceTimed me from Bridgehampton, New York. She is with my ex-husband who is competing at the Hampton Classic, one of the most prestigious horse shows in the country, set in an absolutely beautiful location.

As a competitive show jumper myself, I share the same riding coach as my ex-husband, Joe Fargis. When Joe saw me on FaceTime, he asked what I was up to. Joe, a two-time Olympic gold medalist and a man of few words, has a knack for making you realize the value of brevity. I responded, “I’m trying to write a blog”—which, in reality, meant I’d been staring at a blank screen for at least five minutes, struggling with what to write.
To my surprise, Joe asked a second question (very unlike him): “What is your blog about?” At that moment, I knew I had maybe ten words before he’d say, “I have to go.” So I quickly answered, “I’m writing about the ‘Why’ of my company, Girl Friday. Think of Girl Friday like an executive assistant for your home.”
Then Joe said, “Helping people is important. We’ll talk later. Bye, Kathryn.” And that was it.
Joe has an uncanny ability to take something very complex and distill it into five words. He’s been doing this for years, teaching people that riding horses isn’t that complicated and that less truly is more. I’ve always admired him for that. We often get lost in words, thinking we need to keep talking to get our point across, but 99.9% of the time, five words will do.
When I sat down to write this blog, I intended to create an elaborate explanation of the "Why" behind Girl Friday. But it really boils down to: “Helping people is important.”
And that’s exactly what I’m here to do.
